Demonstrate the ability to evaluate game designs for a variety of game play mechanics, game applications, and game genres.
For this objective I think it will be best to bring over my postmortems from some previous projects.
Postmortem 1:
So for this project which I titled "Journey to God" was done in Dreams which is on the PlayStation four which I have no experience in turned out great Ill talk to you about the things that went wrong and the things that went right as well ill also tell you what I learned from all of this. So lets start with the things that went wrong. Man oh man doing preproduction when you have no idea what the engine that you are using is capable of is really hard. So because of that that had me spend more time watching tutorials to learn about the engine and playing games in the engine just tp get a feel for what it can do. The second thing that went wrong was the fact that I had no idea what I was doing for at least two hours. The engine can be pick up and go but at times it is not you spend some time learning where things are at and what things do. The las thing that went wrong was the fact that I was not able to end the game the exact way that I wanted to, honestly I do not know if it was just me but I could not figure a way to end the game the way that I wanted to. So since I already talked your ear off about the bad lets talk about the good. The good thing about working in Dreams is the fact the "coding" is very similar to the blueprint system in the Unreal engine. I was so happy when I noticed that I almost shouted and jumped for joy. The next thing that went right for this project was such a small thing that made this journey a little bit easier and that's the fact that the game came with tutorials. Not the normal ones these tutorials walked you through the simple things all the way up to the advanced things it really helped me a lot. Another thing that went right was something that I notice no other game does when I hovered over a specific thing lets say for example a trigger zone after a couple of seconds it would pop of a text box explaining what that piece is and does it also gave you an example that you can follow so you can get an idea of what it does and how it will work for your game. I guess its time to tell you the things that I learned. Ok so I learned that Planning for an unfamiliar engine is hard. I also learned that Dreams has some awesome in game tutorials. I also learned that once you get comfortable in this engine levels are rather easy to make.
Postmortem 2:
For this game there was a lot of things that went right a few things that went wrong and a few things that I can take away from this. So lets get started with what went right with this project. Some of the things that went right was the time management. I really managed my time well with this level that i built in the "Halo Reach" forge editor. I plotted out about ten to fifteen hours of work for each little thing that I wanted to focus on and I was able to actually finish milestone one and two early. The second thing that went right on this project was the choice of editor. I played a lot of Halo Reach and I also dabbled a little in the Forge that Halo had back when the game was in its prime and I was in a clan. The next thing that went right for this project was the fact there was no mechanical issues. I was so grateful for that I would have been upset if my Xbox would have crashed the game and I would have had to restart especially if it happened after milestone two. I guess since I talked about the things that went wrong for this project since I just talked about the things that went right. Some things that went wrong was when I was recording videos I had to keep them short. Since my phone had a limit to how long it could record since it is an older phone i had to speed through a lot of my videos. I even had to speed through the tutorial. Another thing that went wrong was when I used the theater mode to play back what I worked on it would not show the sub menus that I entered so it took away from the videos. The last thing that went wrong was kind of my fault since i made the mistake of testing my game in race mode I was not able to save over the last save so I had to make a new save file the good thing is that there was not anything lost. The last part of this will be what I learned, I learned that a phone is not the best way to record for class. Another thing I learned is that the more that you know about the game the easier it is to make what you want in that game and it also helps with time boxing. The final thing that I learned was that sometimes you have to KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid, it helps keep stress down and scope small enough to where you may be able to work ahead.
I added two game reviews that i have done the first one is on Madden 18 and the second one is on SSX3.