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SIP Objective 3


Updated: Dec 11, 2020

Demonstrate best practices of effective game design

This is one of the first paper maps for the level that I was building using the Halo Reach Forge mode.

This is the final build it took quite a bit of revising from the paper maps that I had created. I didn't want to bore you with the update videos so I just went with the papermap and the final product.

In this level I decided to create three different pathways to show the illusion of choice. I also wanted each pathway to vary in difficulty. The reason for this was to give the player something to feel proud of when they completed the hard path. I went with the Warthog which is a four person vehicle for the easy path because it is one of the easiest vehicles in the game to control. I had the mongoose chosen for the second vehicle because it is harder to control and smaller thus making it a slight challenge to stay on a narrow path. Finally I chose running as the final way to complete this level because it is very rare to see a level where you complete it on foot in Halo Reach.

I also included my preproduction for another platforming game and below will be the final product.

In this game I chose to add a health bar because every player needs to know when they are about to die. I also added checkpoints so that if the player did die they did not have to completely start the whole level over. I made this level in the shape of a "U" because I wanted to have this feeling of escaping a place where you was held against your will.

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